This year, ISPCA Inspectors have provided evidence and given testimony in eight successful court cases, holding people who hurt innocent animals accountable. In one of these, the cruelty inflicted was so severe, the judge sentenced a man to three months in jail as well as a ten-year ban from owning dogs. Responding to a call from a concerned member of the public last year, Senior Inspector Alice Lacey found a large number of dogs struggling to survive in cramped, faeces-filled pens on hard plastic floors in a premises in Waterford City. What little bedding they had was soaked. One poor dog didn’t survive. He had horrific lower facial injuries that had been left untreated.

Although he got immediate veterinary care, the infection was fatal. It’s always heartbreaking to lose an animal but sadly, the kindest thing to do was to end his suffering. The dogs that were saved that day all had cuts or injuries and skin conditions; some were visibly malnourished – see picture above.

The accused in this case was also ordered to pay €3,222 in veterinary bills and legal fees. The cost of the rescue, and the time and care these six dogs needed to rehabilitate physically and psychologically was additional and expensive.

Like us, we know you believe that cruelty against helpless animals is a crime. Imposing a custodial sentence like this one, gives us all the hope that future court cases will result in similar verdicts so that the heinous people who inflict such suffering are punished. The dogs brought to the safety of the rescue centre that day – Patch, Titch, Flo, Lola, Sandy & Joe – all went on to make full recoveries and found wonderful homes. With compassionate animal lovers by our side, we were able to be there when they needed us.
To report any animal welfare concerns, please call the ISPCA’s Cruelty Helpline in confidence on 0818 515 515 or call our ISPCA Waterford office at 051-841432